Os Encat™
Os EnCat™ catalyst incorporates osmium tetroxide within a porous polymer bead resulting in safer handling with low levels of osmium contamination in oxidation reactions. The metal traps within the beads reducing any chance of plant contamination and also results in easier filtration.
Applications include: Dihydroxylation Reaction, Asymmetric Dihydroxylation Reaction, Oxidative cleavage of Glycols.
- Cleaner Products: Typically less than 20 ppm Os in crude reaction products
- Cleaner Waster Streams: Minimal metal losses in Os EnCat™ processes
- Fast and Efficient Processes: EnCat™ beads filter easily
- No plant contamination: Metal remains trapped within the polymer bead
- Improved Processes: High activity and selectivity in many types of reduction reactions
- Process Intensification: EnCat™ can be used in batch and continuous flow process